Thursday, February 20, 2014

Friday Links

I'm hoping planning to make this a regular occurrence. Maybe every Friday?

Below is a list of links that I found interesting or helpful this week and haven't found their way into a post.

The man who invented modern probability (Andrei Kolmogorov)

Whole bunch of math primers - Because who doesn't want to know more about Kolmogorov complexity after that last link?

The emergence of the chief data officer

Word Clouds in R - I gather word clouds can be controversial. But I'm starting to think they're a good way to represent "topics" in topic modeling as they convey the order of the top "n" words (the current standard) and the relative weights of the words.

Lots of Unix Colors - Takes me back to my days making charts at the Fed

Color Brewer - I wish this had been around when I was making charts at the Fed

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